Semcac’s Outreach Services offers homeless prevention and assistance as funding is available. The following programs are administered through Semcac’s Contact Centers in Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Mower, Steele and Winona counties:

Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program

This program is designed to decrease homelessness by providing one-time assistance with a rent or mortgage payment for households that need a short-term “bridge” until their financial situation is expected to stabilize. Participants must meet program and income guidelines and be able to financially sustain their housing payment after Semcac’s assistance. Households interested in applying for the Family Homeless Prevention Program must have a verifiable crisis situation that may cause them to lose their housing. Participants also agree to follow-up visits.

Transitional Housing Program

This program provides information, referral, advocacy, and first month’s rent and/or security deposit assistance to doubled up or homeless households moving into a housing unit.

On-going rent subsidy may be provided until the household is able to sustain their rental housing.