Semcac Head Start offers Center-based and Home-based programs. Both options of the Semcac Head Start program promote development of skills that children need to be healthy, successful learners. We know that young children need to have experiences with language development, literacy, math, science, creative arts, social/emotional development, physical/health development and satisfaction in learning new things. Healthy habits and self-help skills are emphasized as well.
Classroom-based Option
Children attend a half-day (3.5 hour) or a full day (7 or 8 hour day, depending on location) program at a licensed center four days per week from September to May.
- Children are provided hands on learning activities that prepare them for kindergarten.
- Teachers and parents work together to evaluate and plan for the children’s learning.
- Parents participate by volunteering in the classroom, being a part of the program governance or working on other activities.
- Families are supported with medical, dental and nutrition services to promote healthy living.
- Parents are given support to strengthen families and achieve goals through community connections.
A nutritious breakfast or lunch and a snack are provided under the U.S. Department of Agriculture Child Nutrition Program. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, Semcac Head Start is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 202050-9410, or call 1-800-795-3272 or 1-202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Home-based Option – Home Visits
This program reaches families expecting a baby and/or children birth-three years. Services are offered year round with a home –based educator coming to your home for 1.5 hours a week.
- Home-based educator supports the parent in his/her role as their child’s teacher.
- Parent, with assistance from the Educator, develops activities to meet the individual needs of their child(ren).
- Home visitor helps parents understand how daily routines and activities, things in the home and resources in the community can be used as learning activities for the whole family.
- Families are supported with Head Start comprehensive services (health, family support, etc.)
Center Socializations are offered every 2 weeks for 90 minutes. These provide opportunities for families to get together to form friendships and support systems. Children play together in activities designed by Educator and parent. Nutritious meals and education also provided.