Serving Seniors and caregivers in the counties of Houston, Fillmore, Dodge and Steele.
The mission of this program is to support and empower seniors and caregivers by addressing their individual needs and preferences, enabling them to live safely and independently in their own homes, and communities, as long as possible.
Dodge & Steele County Residents
- Melissa Almer
Fillmore & Houston County Residents
Sabrina Schlichting
TDD: 1-800-627-3529 | Senior Linkage Line: 1-800-333-2433
- Anyone age 60 and over
- Adults of any age who have disabilities and are on (or eligible for) Medicare
- Family members who help their elders with daily tasks
- Friends or neighbors who are concerned about seniors
- Available to all older people and their caregivers regardless of race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin
- Offer information and referrals regarding:
- Housing
- Respite care and companionship
- Financial, legal and insurance issues
- Health and safety
- Long-term care consultation
- Other needed service
- Offer assistance with MNsure
- Determine eligibility and help with completing applications for:
- County applications
- Medicaid, Medicare D
- Minnesota Health Insurance Programs
- Prescription drug discount programs
- Energy Assistance
- SNAP program / EBT cards
- Home delivered meals
- Home phone discounts & government issued, FREE cellular phones
- Help caregivers to identify and meet their needs.
- Make confidential home visits.
- Provide training for caregivers. Learn more about our Powerful Tools for Caregivers training course. This course is FREE to any caregiver and it is designed to help caregivers take care of themselves while caring for an adult loved one.
- Provide ongoing contact and continuing support.
The program receives federal funding under a grant agreement with the Southeastern Area Agency on Aging. Local contributions from counties, United Way agencies, business and individual donations, including participant donations, are vital for the continuation of this program, as well.
YES! Your information is kept confidential and we do not share your information with any other parties unless we receive prior consent from you and it is necessary.
At this time, we do not. However, we are applying to become MNsure Community Partner Assistants, which means we will be trained and approved to assist with MNsure enrollments. Stay tuned!
We will provide you with referrals to other agencies and organizations who can help you to enroll via MNsure until we are approved to provide this service.
Yes! We offer a course called Powerful Tools for Caregivers. You can take this FREE six course series (1 day a week for 6 weeks, approximately 1.5 hours per session) and receive a Powerful Tools for Caregivers certificate of completion from Semcac. The course is designed as an educational program to help caregivers to take care of themselves while caring for an adult loved one. Anyone helping to care for a parent, spouse or friend will benefit. Please contact the caregiver advocate in your county if you are interested. We are working to schedule our next course, when we have enough interested parties.
Fillmore County & Houston County caregivers, contact: Paul Thibeault at 507-475-1987 or
Steele County & Dodge County caregivers, contact: Melissa Almer at 507-450-8848 or